March 22, 2011

Big Bang's hope messages on Pray for Japan Star Relay on Naver

TOP’s hope message:

어려운 상황이지만, 희망만은 안제나 빛나고 있길…

Though it is a difficult situation, I hope that hope will always be shining.

DaeSung’s hope message:

절망이 희망으로 바뀔 수 있기를…간절히 기원합니다.

I sincerely pray that despair will be able to turn into hope.

TaeYang’s hope message:
오늘도 마음을 담아 기도힙니다.

I will pray today too with my heart.

SeungRi’s hope message:

힘께 하면 어떤 어려움도 이겨낼 수 있습니다.

If we do it together, we will be able to overcome any difficulties.

Japanese/Korean Translation: christabel88 at bigbangupdates

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