January 7, 2011

Allkpop | CN Blue's Kang Minhyuk impresses many with his acting

CN Blue’s Kang Minhyuk has been rapidly expanding his career in both music and acting through his role in SBS’s “It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter.”

Minhyuk plays the role of ‘Hwang Yeondu,’ a drummer for the fictional band, ‘Best Motley’. His impressive drumming skills have earned him much acclaim during the episodes aired on December 20th and 21st.

Despite juggling his CNBLUE commitments with his acting gig, Minhyuk has shown a consistent rate of growth with every episode, and many are looking forward to seeing just how much more his acting skills could improve. Exhibiting his musical abilities through the show gave him an additional boost of popularity as well.

Indeed, his success on the small screen has many industry representatives touting Minhyuk as the boy who managed to ‘catch two rabbits in one go.’

So what does Minhyuk think about his success as an actor and a musician? The star commented, “There was a lot of pressure since it’s my first drama, but I’m having a lot of fun since they gave me a role that I’m able to do my best for. I’ll be working hard in order to make sure that I don’t disappoint as both an actor and a singer.”

Source: Sports Today via Nate
Posted by VITALSIGN @ Allkpop

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