January 4, 2011

After School’s evolution to continue in 2011

Pledis boss updated his Twitter today with the tweet below:

애프터스쿨의 진화는 2011년에도 계속됩니다! 1기 new school girls 2기 연기자 유이 영입 3기 글로벌유닛, 오렌지캬 라멜 나나 레이나 리지 4기 real artist, a.k.a 아기새

After School’s evolution will also continue in 2011!
1st Generation new school girls
2nd Generation actress U-ie admission
3rd Generation Global unit, Orange Caramel Nana Raina Lizzy
4th Generation real artist aka baby bird (Lee Young)

Credit for translation: AfterSchCraze via fyafterschool

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