November 10, 2010

Daily Kpop News | Super Junior's International fans donates 51 million won to Animal Protection Society

Super Junior's foreign fans have made a donation to the national Animal Protection Society on Super Junior's 5th Anniversary since debut.

The management of Super Junior's foreign fansite SJ-WORLD.NET declared "We donated 5,100,000 won to the Korean Animal Protection Society under Super Junior's name, on November 6, for their 5th Anniversary."

SJ-WORLD.NET is the largest international fanclub for Super Junior and it counts over 45,000 members from all over the world.

Last May they donated 4,500,000 won to UNICEF, under Super Junior's name, for Super Junior's 4th album comeback.
In case you guys don't know how much is 51 million won, here are some
converted currencies i've converted:
51 million won = 45,818 US dollars
58,976 singapore dollars
141,721 ringgits
407,911,886 rupiahs
1,977,828 pesos

Original Source.
Translated by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Posted by Ting18♥@ dailykpopnews

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