November 10, 2010

Daily Kpop News | Super Junior Donghae's W Korea interview

Super Junior member Donghae has accepted 'W Korea Face-To-Face ' interview and has stated that he wants to use his self-confidence to let his life be without regrets. Check out what are his answers in the interview:

To yourself, do you have any words or advice that you want to hear?
Spending time well, although wanting to do things that I want to do easily, but it is still not that easy… When (I) was young, it isn’t just thinking about playing all the times during free time, felt unsecured if didn’t learn anything.

When do you feel totally happiness?
When I am exercising, listening to music, looking at things, feeling things. Especially at the moment of feeling things, that moment is the happiest one. Although felt that popularity is very important, but as compared to it, the happier moments are like, talking and laughing with people around (me), chatting, eating good food. Of course, as a singer, standing on stage is also happiest. Being in front of 20~30 thousand fans, saying one thing during concert, singing a song, there will be immediate response from everyone. That kind of feeling is indescribable.

The (thing) that keep you absorbed is?
The people that I loved. If (I) want to understand someone, will do it well, will work hard and give everything to the other party. Although wanting to be the most important existence (to that someone) but sometimes it isn’t like this. Being with who and who is the happiest, so to me, as compared to being solo, prefer being with my members. Because will feel lonely most of the times, so if there isn’t anyone around me, will feel very sad.

Is there an age that you want to go back to, or the age that you want to grow to quickly?
Although age grows fast, but am able to await the things that I am focusing on, or the plans etc. In that case, am able to have moments where there is happiness and sadness. Holding onto Super Junior’s group name is a little scary, although felt the love from many people, but as Lee Donghae, wasn’t able to show too much to everyone. From now on, as an actor, I will show everyone the other side of Lee Donghae, walking even further, will grow up and work harder too. And also, before father passed away, has thoughts on going back to younger days, wanting to spend more times with father.

Credit: 海世代 OnlyHae
Chinese translation: chonger
English translation: minoko2440 @
Posted by Ting18♥ @ Dailykpopnews

1 comment:

    please vote if u love super junior
