August 16, 2010

Kpoplive | [Exclusive] One Way Answers Intimate Questions

Did you think that the previous e-mail and private interviews were enough? I hope not because KPOPLIVE will now bring you more One Way inside news.

After all of the hard work that the guys of One Way had been through, including way before their debut, their struggles have finally paid off and we can now see the name of this KPop trio getting big and well known in the Korean music industry and internationally.

After all of their performances and schedules, KPOPLIVE was able to get a short shout out from them. Check it out!

That was really short, wasn’t it? Well, we thought that the welfare of the artists is definitely much more important than gaining an article for our sake, and knowing how tired they were, we just couldn’t bring ourselves to burden them with another video interview.

In order to make up for not having a longer video, the guys were kind enough to send us another batch of answers from an email interview that we sent them. Here it is:

One on One with One Way
Q: Peter, I’ve heard that you’ve joined and won a lot of dance contests, can you tell me more about that?

Peter: Well ever since I was at the age of 8, I started dancing. I first started with Tap and eventually learned Jazz, Ballet, Modern, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Break dancing, Acrobatics and a bit of Salsa too. My teachers told me to learn as much as I can and my parents were very supportive of that. I’m more of a trained dancer, and because of that I competed around Australia starting from local dance competitions and gradually going national where from 1997-2001 I was the Australian Dance Champion (in the categories above) for ‘Showcase the Australian Dance Championships.’

Q: Chance, what is the song Forever about? Did your past experience with a girl inspire that song?
Chance: Indeed. The song Forever definitely comes from my experience with love. The song is about ups and downs of relationships. It gives a message. And it is about my ultimate answer to all questions and doubts in the relationship by telling another “forever”. Meaning there are no need for questions and doubts.

Q: Young Sky, is it hard being a vegetarian?
Young Sky: At first, yeah it was hard for me to cut off meat and all. But once you get used to it, it’s not that hard. Animal Farming causes the most Green house gases so if you care about the planet, I suggest trying vegetarian!

On Love and Relationships

Q: Have you experienced your first kiss?
Peter: ”Yes, it was back in high school.”
Chance: “I think we all of course had a first kiss. Mine was in high school days.”
Sky: ”Yes back in Australia in middle school.”

Q: How many ex-girlfriends do you guys have?
Peter: ”Mine would have to be 3.”
Chance: ”No comment.”
Sky: ”3.”

Q: Describe your ideal girl.

Peter: ”First a person who appreciates and loves me for who I am, it would be nice if she has a bright personality (which would include a nice smile, being able to make and take jokes), a people person because in this industry you meet new people everyday and I want her to be able to mingle, be spiritual and always be there for me when I’m having hard times (because you know what they say behind every great man there’s a great woman), always have her trust in me (although that’s up to the guy to earn her trust) and last of all cooking would be a bonus really.”

Chance: ”A person that I can really talk to basically. Someone who can discuss everything with me. I mean everything. Also being my biggest supporter.”

Sky: ”Someone who I can open up to easily and makes me feel comfortable. And someone who understands me for who I am and for what I do.”

Q: If you are to plan a perfect date for your girl, how would it be?

Peter: “I like to just chill and take my focus off work and everything else. I like talking and listening having a few jokes which could be at just like a quiet place, example coffee shop, the park, anywhere really; but if it was my ideal place I’ll probably take a long walk across the sandy beaches by the sunset (like Boracay), spending some intimate quality time with my girl, and what happens after is confidential LOL.”

Chance: “Malibu, California . A restaurant called Moon Shadow.”

Young Sky: “I would take her out for a nice lunch, take a stroll at a nice park and lie down together listening to music, taking pictures. After that, watch a movie, go to a fancy restaurant that has a nice view and give her a gift when we’re eating dessert.”

Q: Boxers or briefs?

Peter: “Briefs”
Chance: “Hmm….boxers….”
Sky: “BOXERS since 6 years old. I feel really uncomfortable wearing tight underwear now because I’m so used to wearing boxers since I was little.”

The boys were really honest with their answers and they have a way of making it humorous too.

Big thanks to Universal Records Philippines and to Peter, Young Sky and Chance for this opportunity.

Written by: Rie27


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