August 30, 2010

BoA's 10th Anniversary

BoA thanked her fans through her twitter for following her all the way since her debut.

BoA updated her twitter on the 25th of August saying “10 years! It went so fast like a bullet. The precious times I spent with my fans, it was the greatest present I have ever received. There were things that were not easy to do being a solo singer, but it was possible because you guys were with me. I love you and thank you.”

She then added “25th of August 2000 was a Wednesday… but it’s a Wednesday again in 2010?! That’s amazing. I wonder what it’ll be like in 2020″ but then she realised that the 25th of August 2000 was a Friday.

BoA recently released her 6th album Hurricane Venus and is sweeping across the charts with her latest album.

Let’s congratulate on BoA for her 10th Anniversary!

translation: netizensusadae @

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