September 14, 2009 | Gary and Martin come together

by:  Justin John Mata | STIR Contributor
8 Sep 2009 | 10:11 AM

Amidst the strong competition between Martin Nievera and Gary Valenciano, they have established a strong foundation of friendship as time passed by. They outgrew the rivalry by elevating their artistry to a higher level of maturity and professionalism. One good story about their friendship as Gary recalled was when Angeli was in a delivery room giving birth to their second son Paolo and was stunned when she saw Martin also hovering outside the delivery room as tensed as Gary.

Despite all the intrigues and implications, one thing remains constant between the two: respect, an interesting blend of friendly competition and brotherly love. After two decades Martin and Gary come together as one at their most awaited concert on Sept. 19 dubbed as “As 1” at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds!

What made you insecure about each other?

Martin: Always especially when I see him dance...very insecure.

Gary: One name that gives me so much insecurity in my life is the name Martin Nievera. He has that most powerful voice that always strikes me.

Were you affected by the old rivalry?

Martin: If I say no I’m not human. Of course, I was affected!

You’d been rivals for many years. Why become friends now?

Gary: I believe God orchestrated the friendship.

Where did the idea of having a concert together come from?

Gary: I think the idea came from the people and I think it’s about time for us to have a concert together.

What’s unique about this concert?

Martin: I think we’ll try to talk about who we are as friends and talk some new things that will fascinate the people.

Gary: Find out if Martin is going to dance with my Michael Jackson moves.

Do you have special guests?

Martin: We don’t have guests but maybe our children.

What Martin hit song would you like to do at the concert and vice-versa?

Gary: I guess Martin’s “Be My Lady.”

Martin: I want to sing “Sana Maulit Muli.”

Who among new generation of young singers you think will follow your path?

Gary: I think Sam Concepcion, if he will be given proper guidance. I believed he can even surpass us. He can sing, dance and act. That kid is very talented.

Martin: I find Billy Crawford in me but I think his movements have something in common with Gary.

Here's the direct link to the article:


  1. AWWWW SIR GARY... i love it when he considers SAM CONCEPCION as someone who can follow, and in this case, surpass, his path. hopefully, ABS will give SAM that proper guidance, exposure and opportunity! THANKS SIR GARY!!!! hope you can extend our gratitude to SIR GARY on behalf of all the samsters! :)
